2 Data treatment, overview, analyse and programming basics

2.1 Data management

In this part, we will see how to import data sets of various natures, clean them, organised them and show the essential info about them. These treatments will be possible with additional packages dplyr and tidyverse.

2.1.1 Load data

If importing data seems simple in other software it can be more tricky under R. We will see here how to import more common data such as .txt, .csv or .excel. For the raster and shapefile data that we might use later see.

Data cleaning

R is a really powerful tool and you can perform any transformation, cleaning or import. BUT, R is time-consuming, even for senior users, for any kind of treatment. For beginners, it might take hours to find a solution to prepare your data set as wanted. Therefore, we will advise you to always prepare your data before in more “user friendly” software as Excel or Open office solution.

Included data and folder scanning

First, you can load data already included in the R environment and different packages. To do so you can check all data available with data() and then call them with data(name) and the data set will be loaded.

If the Rstudio IDE with the Files windows give you an overview of your project folder and files you can do it manually via list.files() and even add the parameter path = "foldername" or pattern = "\\.filetype" to precise the folder location or the type of data you want to look at.

.txt, .csv and .xlsx files

For reading a .txt file saved in a delimited format (“,”, “;”, TAB …) you can use the read.delim("filename") code with this additional parameters header = TRUE or FALSE if you have header. sep = "x" To choose your delimiter in you file, x can be \t for tab, , for comma or ; for semicolon. You can also set your decimal separation with dec = "x".

For reading a .csv file you will use the read.table("filename")which is quite similar from read.delim. You have some other additional parameters such as na.strings = "NA" choosing what to put in the row with NA value (We strongly advise leaving it on NA). skip = ncan be used to skip a n number of lines before reading the data.

And finally the .xlsx can be read via the read.xlsx code from the openxlsx package. It allows you to select one specific sheet in the file with the name of the sheet in the second position after the name of the file as read.xlsx("filename", "sheetname or sheetindex"). there is some change in the structure of additional parameters as seen before. startRow = n defines the line where you begin to read the data, and sep.names = "" is for specifying the delimiter characters.


> sample_data <- read.delim("./Data/LUCAS-SOIL-2018.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ";")

> sample_loc <- read.table("./Data/Soil_sample_location.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t")

> ls()
[1] "iris" "sample_data" "sample_loc"

2.1.2 Overview of the data

First, we will load our data that we will use during the class session within palmerpenguins packages. To load the data make install.packages("palmerpenguins") then load the package with library(palmerpenguins) and load the data with data(penguins).

You have 6 essential commands for having an overview of your data set :

  1. The most important is str() it will give you the class of the object and also its vectors with some of their data.

  2. The head() command will give you the columns names and the first lines of the data set.

  3. The tail() command will give you the columns names and the last lines of the data set.

  4. The ncol() command will give you the number of columns.

  5. The nrow() command will give you the number of rows in the data set.

  6. The summary() command will give you the basic statistical information about your data (mean, median…).

2.1.3 Select data

You can select your data by column in two ways :

  1. By columns position df[n1] and if you want to select more df[c(n1, n2 ...)].

  2. By columns name df["name"] and if you want to select more df[c("name1", "name2" ...)].

If you forget the c() it will give a specific row and column number.

List and data frame selection

For a list, you will need to put two [[]] for selection. For data frame, a better way for selecting a specific column is by using df$name command.

You can also select a specific row with $ as in df[n1,] and df[c(n1,n2,...),] for multiple selections.

2.1.4 Remove or add data

If you want to remove data from your data set you can either filter (see later) or just remove an entire row or column.

For removing columns df[,-c(x1, x2...)] and for removing rows df[-c(x1, x2...),]. If you want to remove by name it is more complicated you have to use df[ , ! names(df) %in% c("name1", "name2")] or the subset(df, select = - c("name1", "name2")). You have also a more easy solution with the dplyr package.

If you want to add new data to your data set you have two different ways :

  1. With the classical R function rbind(df1, df2) to add rows to your data and cbind(df1, df2) for adding columns. But be careful with this method you can also combine data sets with the same amount of columns for rbind()and rows for cbind() otherwise it will display an error message.

  2. The second way is more powerful, it is the merge(df1, df2, by =) function. The by = variable will be your columns name or if you want merge others columns then put the value by = "row.names". Then it will depend, if you want to keep all your data even the one with no measurement, you will have to add the parameter all = TRUE. Otherwise, if you want a cross result in order to already filter your data, you can leave it without this parameter (default is FALSE).

NAs values

Another important point is the NAs values which are missing values (Very very common !). You can spot them with is.na(df) which give you a list of binary answer, true and false to the question “is there a missing value inside this data set?”. You can also see how many NAs you have with the command sum(is.na(df) == TRUE). To treat this missing value you have two solutions. First, you can simply removed them with na.omit(df) but it will remove the related rows. You can remove all cells with NAs from one specific column with subset(df, !is.na(column)). Another solution is to replace these NAs values with a specific value. You can use this line of code df[is.na(df)] = x where x is a variable of the class of the column, it can be a number as 0, -9999 or a text, factor… You can do the same with the NULL variables with the is.null() function.

You can also replace any values with replace(df, y, x) where y is the operator (see below) to be replaced and x is the value of a replacement. For example, replace(df, df < 0, 0) will give zero value to all negative data. You can also replace it with any kind of value (eg. mean, median…). Careful for replacing a NAs value by the mean or any calculation on the variable column, you will need to remove and put aside the NAs from this column when doing it. Therefore, you have to use the na.rm = TRUE parameter after your calculation (mean(), min(), median(), max()…).

2.2 Vector operation

Operators are very useful to filter or even to comparing data to each other and also for basic programming of function creation. Without any packages, R allows several vector operations listed below.

Table 2.1: Operators in R.
Operator Meaning
== Is egal to?
!= Is not egal to?
> Grater than?
< Less than?
>= Greater than or equal to?
<= Less than or equal to?
& And
| Or
! Not
%in% Is found in?

From the Tidyverse package the “pipe” system is often used to optimize your code. Instead of filtering several time, with different data sets, you can add the code %>% to simplify your operator.

2.3 Export your data

You can export your data set in many ways but the easiest is with the write.table(df, "df.export", dec = "", sep = "", row.names = , col.names = ) command. You have several parameters: the first one df is the name of your file inside the project while the "df.export" is the name you want to give to your file with its extension name (.txt. and .csv are the best choices). The dec = "" parameter will allow you to choose your delimiter for decimals number (either , or .), the sep = "" parameter will give the separator of your columns (; or , or tab with /t) and row.names = and col.names = are true or false parameters for keeping the columns names and row names inside your export.

2.4 Exercises

  1. Import and analyse the bodendaten_xy and bodendaten_no_xy files into Rstudio.

  2. Merge the two file into a bodendaten_final data frame (be careful of the missing link).

  3. Remove the cells with missing values.

  4. Put the texture classification (“Bodenart[…]”) as a factor.

  5. Fill the negative and over 100 values in the data set: By the mean (of the variable) for the negative values of Mg. By zero for the others negatives values in the data set. By 100 the “Gu_koernung” values that are over 100 (it is the texture percentage).

  6. Export the result inside a “Final_data.Rdata” and a “Final_data.csv” with tab delimiter and header names.

See solution
bondendaten_no_xy <- read.delim("./Data/bodendaten_no_xy.txt")

bondendaten_xy <- read.csv("./Data/bodendaten_xy.csv", sep =";")
# Other option
bondendaten_xy <- read.delim("./Data/bodendaten_xy.csv", sep =";")


# Check only the colnames

bodendaten_final <- merge(bondendaten_xy, bondendaten_no_xy, by = "Id")

# Is there any missing values

# Total missing values
sum(is.na(bodendaten_final) == TRUE)

#Remove the missing values
bodendaten_final <- na.omit(bodendaten_final)

bodendaten_final$Bodenart_ka4_koernung <- as.factor(bodendaten_final$Bodenart_ka4_koernung)


# By the mean for the 'Mg' column values under 0
sum(bodendaten_final$Mg < 0)
bodendaten_final$Mg[bodendaten_final$Mg < 0] <- mean(bodendaten_final$Mg)

# By zero for all other negative values
sum(bodendaten_final < 0)

# We have to select only the numerical or integer column

# Alternative way
sapply(bodendaten_final, mode)

# Columns 4 - 7 and 9 - 18 and 20 have numerical values
sum(bodendaten_final[,c(4:7,9:18,20)] < 0)

# Replace in each columns of numercial values
bodendaten_final[,c(4:7,9:18,20)][bodendaten_final[,c(4:7,9:18,20)] < 0] <- 0
sum(bodendaten_final[,c(4:7,9:18,20)] < 0)

# By 100 for the "Gu_koernung" column above 100
sum(bodendaten_final$Gu_koernung > 100)
bodendaten_final$Gu_koernung[bodendaten_final$Gu_koernung > 100] <- 100

# 6)
write.table(bodendaten_final, "./Final_data.csv", sep = "\t", col.names = TRUE)
save(bodendaten_final, file = "./Final_data.RData")